Past YEOY Recipients
Young Engineers of the Year 2024
Braden Boyd (ACI)
Rachel Carlton, P.E. (AIChE)
Johnny Kim, P.E., CFM (ASCE)
Farrah Rawashdeh, E.I.T., ENV SP (ASHE)
Alok Shah, P.E. (ASIE)
Kaylyn Atanacio, P.E. (HHAE)
Bryan Wilridge (NSBE)
Drew Tiffany, P.E. (SAME)
Nefeli Moridis, PhD (SPE)
Katherine Hoerner, PMP (SWE)
Mahith Nadella, P.E. (TAWWA)
Yanfen Zhou, P.E., PTOE, PTP (TexITE)
Elizabeth Byrd, P.E. (TSPE)
Rachel Coker, MSE (TX APWA)
Stephen Kelly, P.E. (WEAT)
Yanfen Zhou, P.E., PTOE, PTP (WTS)
Christopher Lau, P.E., MBA (YPT)
Young Engineers of the Year 2023
Ramprasad Kamisetty (AIChE)
Tim Smelcer, P.E. (ASCE)
Christian Escalante, P.E. (ASHE)
Varenya Mehta, E.I.T. (ASIE)
Neyra Natalia Linares, EIT (HHAE)
Qua Thoas (NSBE)
Justin Laporte, EIT (SAME)
Adonis Ichim (SPE)
Julie Surfus (SWE)
Varenya Mehta, E.I.T. (TAWWA)
Venu Kukkapalli, PhD (TexITE)
Janice Noeldner, P.E. (TSPE)
Shiann Hernandez, P.E. (TX APWA)
Trevor Otter, P.E. (WEAT)
Ashley Purkey, P.E. (WTS)
Young Engineers of the Year 2022
Alan Moon, P.E. (TAWWA)
Alexa Nichols, P.E. (ASCE)
Carol Serna, P.E. (SAME)
Darshan Padmanabha, P.E. (TexITE)
Emily Friedman (SWE)
Keval Satra, P.E. (WEAT)
Martins Amune (NSBE)
Michael A. King, P.E. (ASHE)
Patrick Worley, P.E. (TSPE)
Raghu Veturi, P.E., PTOE (ASIE)
Roel Huerta, P.E. (HHAE)
Sarath Ketineni, PhD (SPE)
Victoria Mota, E.I.T (WTS Houston Chapter)
Kevin Zhang, P.E. (AIChE)
Young Engineers of the Year 2021
Adam White, P.E. (ASHE)
Ashlee Hiser, P.E. (TSPE)
Courtney Cunningham, P.E. (NSBE)
Elizabeth Byrd, P.E. (HHAE)
Kathryn Schoer (SWE)
Lucas Von Ruff (AICHE)
Masha Arastoo, P.E. (ASCE)
Nabeel Khan (TAWWA)
Pavani Silaparasetty (WEAT)
Sahil Malhotra (SPE)
Shaun Sallee (SAME)
Thalia Gonzalez, P.E. (WTS)
Vishakha Kaushik, P.E. (ASIE)
Yubrani Pinch, P.E. (TEXITE)
Young Engineers of the Year 2020
Masha Arastoo, P.E. (ASCE)
Elizabeth Byrd, P.E. (HHAE)
Courtney Cunningham, P.E. (NSBE)
Thalia Gonzalez, P.E. (WTS)
Ashlee Hiser, P.E. (TSPE)
Vishakha Kaushik, P.E. (ASIE)
Nabeel Khan (TAWWA)
Ernesto Valbuena (SPE)
Yubrani Pinch, P.E. (TEXITE)
Shaun Sallee (SAME)
Kathryn Schoer (SWE)
Pavani Silaparasetty (WEAT)
Lucas Von Ruff (AICHE)
Adam White, P.E. (ASHE)
Young Engineers of the Year 2019
Swarup Bade, P.E. (AIChE)
Manik C. Mitra, P.E., CFM, CPESC (ASCE)
Brandon Circle (ASHE)
Chaitanya Gampa (ASIE)
Ariel Mejia Jr., P.E. (HHAE)
Bradley Updyke, P.E. (IEEE)
LeChell Honorat (NSBE)
Janelle Reiher (SAME)
Adrienne Sanchez (SHPE)
Mojtaba Shahri, Ph.D., P.E. (SPE)
Victoria Herman, P.E. (SWE)
Lizanne Douglas (Tx AWWA S/E Chapter)
Da Li, P.E., PTOE (TexITE)
Jeremy Austin, P.E. (TPWA)
Candyce Ward, P.E., CFM, GISP (TSPE)
Kristin O’Neill (WEAT)
Lisa Amar, AICP (WTS)
Rebekkah Sandt, P.E. (TX-APWA)
Emily Jackson (AIChE)
Young Engineers of the Year 2018
Nii Ahele (SPE)
Selina Lee Brandon, EIT (TPWA)
Austin Brauel, P.E., ENV SP (ASCE)
Rebekah Campbell, P.E., CFM (TSPE)
Amy Coxe, P.E. (TexITE)
Kris Dow (IEEE)
Gustavo (SHPE)
Stephanie Guillot, P.E. (WTS)
Tyson Hann, P.E., D.Eng. (AWWA SE Tx)
Patrick Korn, PWS (SAME)
Sirish Madichette, P.E. (ASIE)
Rashad Morgan (NSBE)
Yogashri Pradhan (SPE)
Valetta Saldanha (WEAT)
Ahmed K. Valdez, P.E. (ASHE)
Alina V. Bartley (SWE)
Kiandra Lewis (SWE)
Dr. Reed (AIChE)
Eweek Events
Run of Pi - February 15, 2025
YEOY Reception - February 17, 2025
Student Luncheon - February 18, 2025
EOY/Sp Reception - Invite Only
EOY Gala - February 21, 2025
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Event Sponsorship
Raffle - Drawing February 21 @ Gala